The Resurrection of Sarah Finfield
Ms. Sharon Brock Heldman
ISBN#978-1484138847 (sc)
Review Date: September 29, 2014
A CBM Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars
Haunted by memories of a tragic day that changed her life
forever, Sarah Finfield, as a bright and wealthy woman, created a world for
herself in which solitude became her companion. With that came, in her own words, “ a tomb . . . in which she
climbed in and pulled down the lid.”
This led to the death of dreams, hope and faith, all in which was about
to change.
Written as a Christian fiction novel, this book is a
page-turner encapsulating mystery, with romance, tragedy, and regret - all
intertwined with faith, forgiveness, classical music and Shakespeare. Each chapter leads to the next as old and
new characters come to light, leaving the reader on edge. Exciting and fast-paced, the author takes
the reader through life stages of the main character – Sarah Finfield, and
eventually culminates the story into a beautiful tapestry, highlighting that
God, in His tender mercies, desires to use this painful tragedy in Sarah
Finfield’s life to bring about the resurrection in Sarah Finfield – in every
way, becoming a tree of life.
This book comes recommended as highly intriguing and
entertaining, with lots of twists and turns for the reader, and for those who
enjoy a good fictional Christian novel involving all the elements of a
well-fashioned mystery/romance novel.
You may get your copy of The Resurrection of Sarah Finfield at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, and other fine online